13.1 min read

Jelena Flego

Think about what you would like to become and know what you need to do to get there.” – This is CEO Jelena Flego’s golden piece of advice to young women starting out in technology. With a Master’s in Economics and an additional degree as a Financial Analyst, Jelena initially envisioned a career in accounting or mergers with one of the “Big 4.” However, a pivotal decision led her to the tech/telco industry, where she discovered her passion for creating new products and IT solutions. After seven years in telecom and an MBA, she transitioned to postal services before becoming the CEO of a start-up focused on data science solutions and software development in 2021. Jelena’s journey exemplifies perseverance and adaptability, and she is driven by the opportunity to help her team discover their hidden talents. She emphasizes the importance of continuous learning, innovation, and creating impactful solutions that benefit users.

Get to know Jelena

Your career at a glance

Fresh out of college, I had a totally different idea about which industry I would be working in. I finished college with a Master’s degree in Economics and continued my education with an additional degree as a Financial Analyst. Throughout my collegiate life, I thought I would be working in accounting or mergers for one of the ‘Big 4.’ The turning point in my career, and what shaped my life into what it is today, was a decision I had to make just after college—to work in one of the Big 4 or go into the tech/telco industry. I decided to take a job in a telco, and there I discovered my passion for creating new products and IT solutions. I worked in telco for over seven years, and after gaining my MBA, I decided I wanted to gain more experience in other industries. After seven beautiful years in telecom, I switched to postal services. Stepping into a new industry showed me that I have what it takes to go even further into tech. In 2021, I accepted the position of CEO of a start-up focused on creating data science solutions and products and software development.

Taking on the role of CEO of a start-up is one of the most rewarding and, at the same time, most challenging experiences of my career. Building up the company, the team, and the product from the start allowed me to set all future standards for the company. This role has definitely given me an invaluable understanding and a more strategic approach to business as a whole. What drives me most in this environment is the opportunity to help my team discover the talents and gifts they didn’t know they possessed. I have never regretted my decision since the first day I stepped into the company. Creating and delivering complex data science models and software products that ultimately benefit the user is what this whole business is about. Solving problems and overcoming challenges are part of the journey, and I absolutely love every step.

Describe yourself in 3 words

  • Ambitious
  • Tenacious
  • Compassionate

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in life?

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in your career?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how happy are you today with your life?

Your favourite book?

I will not say it’s the best book (only because I have a bucket list of 12 books to read this year), but the last book I read that made me think about how to better approach my interactions is ‘Emotional Intelligence’ by Daniel Goleman. This book strengthened my opinion on why emotional intelligence matters so much in our everyday interactions and in life. It helped me better understand what happens when emotions occur, what they represent, and how to be aware of them. It also taught me how to control emotions instead of letting emotions control me.

Your favourite quote?

“I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship.” — from Little Women by Louisa May Alcott.

What childhood passion have you lost in adulthood?

As a child, I used to spend a lot of time creating and building different things, either from wood or paper.

Which passion or pastime will you never let go of?

I will never let go of my passion for learning new things.

Your dream of a completely different second career?

I love what I do, and it’s difficult to imagine myself doing anything else. However, I would like to have more time to pursue other hobbies, one of which is remodeling old furniture.

Cut loose from all strings, what would you like to do with your life?

I would travel more, meet new people, and learn about other cultures and experiences.

"I love what I do, and it's difficult to imagine myself doing anything else."

Jelena’s career

Your work motivations?

I have always been motivated by the opportunity to create and innovate. It's not just about using the latest technology but finding creative and innovative solutions for existing problems. When I start any new challenge, I always try to envision what it could be and how this new creation could improve or add value to the current state. Making an impact and changing customers' lives is the greatest motivator for me to bring my best every day.

Your family’s contribution to your career?

My family has always been my biggest supporter throughout my life. I feel very fortunate to have great role models in my family, especially my mother, who was an executive manager in the tech industry. She has always supported me with career advice that shaped my future, and I could always turn to her if I had any doubts.

The biggest obstacles to career growth in our industry?

Even though I can see that things are a bit different today than when I started in the tech industry, I still believe we don’t have enough female leaders for the new generation to look up to. Women in tech often face gender stereotypes and biases, being perceived as not as 'tech savvy' and having a constant need to prove their competence. I remember times when I was the only woman on a project and had to work twice as hard to be seen as capable and to prove my abilities.

Your biggest obstacles facing the technology industry?

Since I studied Economics and don’t have a tech background, I initially thought this would be my greatest obstacle, but it never was. The technical aspects can always be learned, and I have always tried to choose projects where I could gain additional knowledge and experience. This led me to become the project lead for identity, SaaS, IaaS, and security services. Sometimes I felt I wasn't taken seriously, whether due to my lack of technical background, age, or gender, but that never stopped me from pursuing the most complex projects. Without that attitude, I would have never ended up where I am today.

What have you gotten noticed for throughout your career?

I have been noticed for my perseverance in motivating and organizing people to deliver projects and my ability to think of new ways to resolve problems. I always enjoyed working through a problem with a team and the satisfaction of finding a solution that initially seemed impossible.

The major accelerators for success in our field?

I believe the major accelerators for success in our field are the same as in any industry: mentorship projects and having a superior who allows you to develop and supports you throughout your career growth. I have been fortunate to have had some amazing superiors and mentors in my career who provided me with support, gave me the freedom to try things my way, and never tried to limit my career.

What question do you get asked most often in your line of work?

The question I get asked most often in my line of work is, 'How come you decided to switch from a corporate company to a start-up?"

What do you enjoy most about your job?

I decided to switch from a corporate job to a start-up because sometimes in corporate life, things moved too slowly for me. In a start-up, I have the ability to shape everything from the ground up, build a team, have direct relationships with all my co-workers, and see how each individual and the product grow and develop over time.

Your golden piece of advice to young women starting out in technology

Think about who you want to become and what steps you need to take to get there. Never underestimate yourself or your abilities; always strive to learn and grow. If you don't have an official mentor, find an unofficial one among your peers or superiors—observe and learn from them. Be bold, take risks, and push yourself beyond what you think you can achieve.

What is your leadership style?

I believe in building strong relationships with my team members, and understanding their motivations, strengths, and areas for growth. Creating an environment where ideas and questions are welcomed fosters autonomy and ensures everyone feels valued and appreciated for their contributions.

Which supporting skills have helped you most as a leader?

Understanding people's motivations and assessing their abilities to determine how best to support them in achieving excellent results.

How have you gained commitment from your team?

I foster commitment from my team by creating an environment where everyone can freely contribute their ideas. When team members see their contributions shaping the product vision and understand the impact of their work, they naturally become more engaged and motivated. Regular feedback sessions and open communication further reinforce their importance to both the product's success and the company's goals.

"Making an impact and changing customers' lives is the greatest motivator for me to bring my best every day.”

Let’s get technical

What are you learning now that will be useful in the future?

I am currently learning how to lead a company from its inception, focusing on skills such as hiring and organising staff, and developing a product portfolio from scratch. Understanding the significance of soft skills, building relationships, and effective communication as a leader are critical aspects in sustaining a successful team.

Explain the technology that drives your current business.

Our company specialises in developing machine learning models and software as a service products, leveraging cutting-edge technology to deliver impactful solutions. Currently, we're focused on creating an application designed to empower farmers with optimisation and prediction models. This tool aims to enhance their daily operations and provide valuable insights derived from data analytics.

What is technology for you?

Technology, to me, represents endless possibilities.

What are your views on future technology trends?

I foresee AI gaining significant momentum and practical applications, particularly in retail and logistics. Retailers will increasingly rely on precise algorithms to enhance recommendations and shopping experiences. Additionally, AI will play a pivotal role in optimizing inventory management and advancing autonomous systems, especially in delivery logistics.

In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention and why?

In my opinion, the greatest technological invention is the Internet. It has revolutionized how people access information, work, learn, shop, and entertain globally. Its transformative influence on daily life is unparalleled.

Rate these technologies from highest to least impact on business.

  1. Blockchain
  2. 6G
  3. 5G
  4. Human-like robots
  5. 3D printing
  6. Smart concepts (cities, buildings, …)
  7. Security
  8. IoT
  9. Edge cloud
  10. AI
"I have always tried to choose projects where I could gain additional knowledge and experience."

Can technology do good for society, or would it be better off without it? Explain.

Technology is inherently neutral; its impact on society depends entirely on how it is utilised and the intentions behind its use. When leveraged responsibly, technology holds the potential to vastly improve our lives. It has democratised access to information, fostering inclusivity in society. Enhanced communication and productivity are other benefits, while advancements in health tech promise significant improvements in healthcare delivery and patient monitoring. However, vigilance is crucial to mitigate potential downsides, ensuring technology serves the greater good without unintended consequences.

How do you keep your technology skills up to date?

I allocate dedicated time each day to immerse myself in technology news and updates. I regularly engage with various tech publications, podcasts, and communities to stay informed about emerging trends. Discussing these insights with like-minded peers fosters a deeper understanding and helps me anticipate industry developments. Additionally, attending tech conferences provides invaluable opportunities to network and gain firsthand knowledge of cutting-edge innovations.

What are your favourite online tools?

In our daily operations, we rely heavily on several online tools that enhance collaboration and streamline our workflow. Firstly, our online chat platform reduces email overload and facilitates rapid sharing of thoughts and ideas. We utilize topic-specific streams where team members can subscribe to relevant discussions and unsubscribe as needed. For documentation, we leverage online workspaces to ensure information is easily accessible.

Project management tools are essential for tracking progress across tasks and team members. Online meeting platforms are indispensable for seamless communication and collaboration, eliminating the constraints of physical presence. These tools not only simplify our day-to-day operations but also expedite the onboarding process for new team members, making information readily available and tasks manageable.

What are your favourite websites?

I always like to check out what is new on Wired. It gives me great info on what is trending in tech. TED talks are another type of website I check out regularly. I can always find interesting topics to listen too, even if they may not always be in connection to my direct work.

Your favourite and least favourite technology products?

As for my favourite and least favourite technology products, one I find indispensable is the smartphone. It may not be the pinnacle of technological achievement, but my entire life resides within it – from birthdays and meetings to personal data. Without it, I'd likely be carrying around a multitude of notebooks.

Another favourite is Google Search. I appreciate its comprehensive indexing, allowing me to access information from virtually anywhere on the planet.

Conversely, my least favourite tech product would have to be social media, despite my active presence across various platforms. I've grown disillusioned with its current trajectory. Social media has increasingly become a hub for spreading fake news, showcasing fabricated lifestyles and achievements, and regrettably, fostering harassment and hate speech.

The woman behind the technology

What makes each human unique?

Throughout my years of working with diverse individuals, I've continually been amazed by the imaginative approaches each person takes to solving problems. For me, it's the application of imagination, creativity, and how these qualities manifest in practice that truly distinguishes each individual's uniqueness.

What is the relationship between the mind and the body?

Success takes on various meanings and interpretations, varying from person to person. It's rooted in our internal values and achieving success aligns with those values without compromising our morality. While success itself may not compensate for values or morality, they are fundamental to the satisfaction and fulfillment we derive from our achievements.

"Sometimes I felt I wasn't taken seriously, whether due to my lack of technical background, age, or gender, but that never stopped me from pursuing the most complex projects.”

This or that?

Read the instruction manual

Just figure it out

Early adopter

Proven enthusiast





Fail at something

Never attempt it

Listen to the mind

Listen to the body




Physical book

Flying cars

Personal robots




Phone call

Brainstorming session

Solo research

Packed lunch


Work late

Start early

High Heels
