9.3 min read

Andrea Radu

With a background in Computer Science, Andrea’s career began with a few years in programming, quickly advancing into a role as a Java Security Developer at a system integrator. Initially expecting to focus on development, she soon transitioned into cybersecurity consulting, where her passion for the field truly ignited. Over the years, she advised clients on various cybersecurity challenges, including identity and access management, cyber strategy, and optimising cloud operations.

Get to know Andrea

Your career at a glance

I studied Computer Science, naturally leading me into a programming career for a couple of years. Driven by my thirst for rapid growth and learning, I embraced a position as a Java Security Developer at a system integrator. Although initially expecting a primarily development-focused role, I soon found myself immersed in cybersecurity consulting—a transition that ignited my passion for the field. Throughout my career, I’ve advised clients on various cybersecurity aspects, ranging from identity and access management to crafting cyber strategies and optimizing team operations in cloud environments.

Describe yourself in 3 words

  • Perseverant
  • Adaptable
  • Courageous

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in life?

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in your career?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how happy are you today with your life?

Your favourite book?

There have been numerous books that left a lasting impression on me, but one that particularly resonated with me is “Becoming” by Michelle Obama. As I read through its pages, I found myself recognizing feelings and situations that mirrored my own experiences. It’s incredibly inspiring to witness how such a remarkable woman navigated through numerous challenges, remained steadfast in her passions and beliefs, and ultimately made a significant impact.

Your favourite quote?

“When the student is ready, the master will appear.”

What childhood passion have you lost in adulthood?

I like to believe that throughout my life, I have remained true to myself. I have no recollection of losing my passions as I grew into adulthood.

Which passion or pastime will you never let go of?

As life evolves, so do my desires and necessities, but the one constant I hold onto is the commitment to staying true to myself. This involves engaging in activities that resonate with my core values and purpose, a passion I intend never to relinquish.

Your dream of a completely different second career?

Upon retiring, rather than pursuing a completely different career, I would focus on expanding my current passion for technology by dedicating more time to support, inspire, and coach girls and younger women to embark on tech careers. This commitment reflects not a change in profession but an enhancement of my current vocation’s most fulfilling aspects.

Cut loose from all strings, what would you like to do with your life?

If constraints like money, time, or current responsibilities didn’t exist, I would devote my life to helping others achieve their dreams, leveraging my time and knowledge for this purpose above all else.

"My family is my safe haven, where my worries fade away, and I'm able to disconnect from my professional concerns."

Andrea’s career

Your work motivations?

My motivation to deliver my best work is guided by three core principles: 1. The potential impact my work can have on organizations, 2. The influence it might have on other individuals, and 3. Its contribution to my personal growth and development. These factors inspire me to strive for excellence in all that I do.

Your family’s contribution to your career?

My family is my safe haven, where my worries fade away, and I'm able to disconnect from my professional concerns. I'm fortunate that my husband works in the tech industry, which allows us to engage in exciting brainstorming sessions about new technologies, differing viewpoints, and innovative perspectives.

The biggest obstacles to career growth in our industry?

One of the most significant obstacles to career growth in our industry is the confidence gap affecting many women. Despite numerous campaigns aimed at demystifying the complexities and showcasing the diverse facets of cybersecurity and tech, the challenge remains in encouraging women to embark on or persist in careers within these male-dominated fields.

Your biggest obstacles facing the technology industry?

One of my biggest challenges in the technology industry has been grappling with impostor syndrome.

What have you gotten noticed for throughout your career?

Throughout my career, I've been recognized for my can-do attitude, ability to see the bigger picture, drive towards results, flexibility, adaptability, willingness to show vulnerability when it matters, fairness, and an eagerness to learn and grow.

The major accelerators for success in our field?

I believe that the major accelerators for success in our field vary from person to person. However, I hold that advancing a career in technology leans more heavily on human skills, such as communication, leadership, and empathy, while technical skills, though still important, play a slightly lesser role.

What question do you get asked most often in your line of work?

In my line of work, the question I get asked most often is, "How do I balance my personal life with my work?

What do you enjoy most about your job?

What I enjoy most about my job is the challenge of solving complex problems, the creative thinking required to approach these situations, the fast pace of change, and the broad impact that technology has on society. In technology, there's never a dull moment.

Your golden piece of advice to young women starting out in technology

My golden piece of advice to young women starting out in technology is to embrace confidence, as it can lead you to achieve wonderful things. While certain roles demand deep technical expertise, the cyber domain is intricate, with numerous dependencies that necessitate analytical thinking, adaptability, a broad vision, and innovative thought. Technical skills are essential but not the sole requirements for a career in cybersecurity.

What is your leadership style?

I consider my leadership style to be inclusive, where I inspire people to engage and follow by highlighting the value of their own growth as well as the growth of others.

Which supporting skills have helped you most as a leader?

Early in my leadership journey, I realized the importance of the principle that a leader is only as strong as their team. Consequently, the skills I've emphasized and developed include coaching, gaining insight into others' work and thought processes, being flexible, and tailoring my leadership approach to fit the unique needs of my team.

How have you gained commitment from your team?

I believe that gaining commitment from a team is possible only if, as a leader, you can present a clear vision and path to achieving that vision, wherein everyone feels empowered to contribute to its realization while also experiencing personal growth along the way.

What are you learning now that will be useful in the future?

I am currently focusing on understanding the evolving use cases of Artificial Intelligence (AI), recognizing its potential to disrupt most industries and change our operational methodologies. This knowledge is crucial, as AI's permanence in our technological landscape will undoubtedly pave the way for achieving greater advancements than we have so far.

"Early in my leadership journey, I realized the importance of the principle that a leader is only as strong as their team.”

Let’s get technical

Explain the technology that drives your current business.

I am delving into cloud technology, recognizing its transformative power and its crucial role in shaping the future of digital landscapes.

What is technology for you?

For me, technology represents a collection of tools, methodologies, and skills that facilitate progress.

What are your views on future technology trends?

My view on future technology trends centers around the understanding that AI is here to stay and is poised to completely transform the world as we know it.

In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention and why?

In my view, every technological invention holds its greatness in various ways, but there are two that stand out significantly for me. The first is the invention of the touch screen, which captivated me as a child in sci-fi movies and became a reality I could hold in my hands just a few years later. The second is generative AI. I believe we are only scratching the surface of understanding the profound impact this technology will have on us collectively.

Rate these technologies from highest to least impact on business.

  1. Chat GPT
  2. Human-like robots
  3. AI
  4. 5G
  5. Security
  6. IoT
  7. Smart concepts (cities, buildings, …)
  8. Blockchain
  9. 6G
  10. Social Media
"I believe we are only scratching the surface of understanding the profound impact generative AI will have on us collectively."

Can technology do good for society, or would it be better off without it? Explain.

Technology is a catalyst for our growth as a society, making it hard for me to envision a world without it. Its contributions are integral to our advancement and well-being, underscoring its essential role in shaping a better future for all.

How do you keep your technology skills up to date?

I keep my technology skills up to date by engaging in a variety of activities, such as listening to podcasts, reading relevant articles and news, participating in training sessions, attending industry events and webinars, and exchanging knowledge with experts in the field. These methods ensure that I stay informed about the latest trends and developments.

What are your favourite websites?

I don't have favorite websites as my interests vary widely depending on the topic at hand. Instead, I rely on search engines to direct me to the specific information I need, ensuring that I can access the most relevant and current content related to my query.

Your favourite and least favourite technology products?

I don't have a list of least favorite technology products. My focus tends to be on exploring and appreciating the benefits that different technologies bring, rather than dwelling on the negatives.

How are you balancing your priorities and those of the stakeholders?

In my interactions with stakeholders, instead of merely balancing, I aim to manage priorities and expectations in a way that ensures a win-win outcome for everyone involved.

The woman behind the technology

What makes each human unique?

What makes each human unique is their individual perspective on and interaction with the world.

What is the relationship between the mind and the body?

I believe that there is a profound interconnection between the mind and the body, with each significantly influencing the other. Therefore, it's crucial to work on understanding how to maintain balance between the two for overall well-being.

"In my interactions with stakeholders, instead of merely balancing, I aim to manage priorities and expectations in a way that ensures a win-win outcome for everyone involved.”

This or that?

Read the instruction manual

Just figure it out

Early adopter

Proven enthusiast





Fail at something

Never attempt it

Listen to the mind

Listen to the body




Physical book

Flying cars

Personal robots




Phone call

Brainstorming session

Solo research

Packed lunch


Work late

Start early

High Heels
