6.3 min read

Giovanna Di Bert

Meet Giovanna Di Bert. With her father as her biggest role model, Giovanna describes herself as determined, pragmatic and sensitive. Having lived all over the world, she considers herself to be her biggest obstacle in the technology industry, as a result of underestimating her skills and the value she brings. However, a closer look at her journey and achievements clearly shows this couldn’t be further from the truth!

Table of contents

Get to know Giovanna

Your career at a glance

Right after university, I started at an IT consulting company. I travelled all over the world to follow my customers. This allowed me to discover different cultures and ways of working. The biggest milestone in my career is the recognition of my work from my team and being considered as a lead. Over the years, I have also moved abroad a few times, in order to achieve great results and enjoy new experiences.

Describe yourself in 3 words

  • Determined
  • Pragmatic
  • Sensitive

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in life?

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in your career?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how happy are you today with your life?

Your favourite book?

I love crime stories a lot. Detective novels, especially. My favourite writers are John Grishman and Joël Dicker. My favourite book is “Il Nome della Rosa” by the Italian writer Umberto Eco.

Your favourite quote?

“Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

What childhood passion have you lost in adulthood?

I used to be very fond of sewing. Not so much anymore.

Which passion or pastime will you never let go of?

In the field of sports, I would never let go of my passion for running. I’m also very fashion-conscious and will always wear a designer bag.

Your dream of a completely different second career?

I would love to step into the internal design and house renovation industry someday.

Cut loose from all strings, what would you like to do with your life?

I would spend a lot more time with my parents.

"My biggest obstacle facing the technology industry was myself. I have always underestimated my own skills and value."

Giovanna’s career

Your work motivations?

I have always craved the respect of my team and my customers. This has always motivated me.

Your family’s contribution to your career?

They always support me. They understand that sometimes my free time is less than expected.

The biggest obstacles to career growth in our industry?

I believe there is a lot of unfair competition in our industry that can hold back careers.

Your biggest obstacles facing the technology industry?

I think my biggest obstacle in the industry has been myself since I’ve always underestimated my skills and the value that I can bring.

What have you gotten noticed for throughout your career?

My determination and focus have always stood out throughout my career.

The major accelerators for success in our field?

Staying up to date with technology and building a good network are key components in our field.

What question do you get asked most often in your line of work?

I’m often asked about the ways we can do better for our customers and our people.

What do you enjoy most about your job?

The best aspects of my work are the projects, the environment, the dynamic (it's always different) as well as my tasks/roles/responsibilities.

Your role models and mentors?

My dad is my biggest role model. He built his own company from scratch and provided his family with a good life. He always stays happy and is really proud of his work and family. I thank him and would like to achieve what he did.

Your golden piece of advice to young women starting out in technology

Do not be scared of changes and never settle!

What is your leadership style?

I believe in leading by example. I also have a feel for asking others what they are capable of.

How do you make decisions?

Past experiences.

Can you detail an error you made while managing a customer?

Sometimes, we think that the customer is not totally aware or conscious of the problem. We can also believe that we know better than the customer and their environment. I believe we should not make such assumptions easily.

How do you keep in mind the customer experience in your daily work?

I believe in the mantra: If the customer is happy, I am happy.

How has being a woman affected your career?


Would you recommend a career in technology to young girls?


“We lack education in how to properly use the technology we have available. Bad usage of technology can really become a disaster.”

Let’s get technical

Explain the technology that drives your current business.

ERP system implementation (SAP) is the technology we currently employ in our business.

What is technology for you?

In a nutshell, technology is Future, Time and Money.

What are your views on future technology trends?

The future will be dominated by Robotics and IoT.

In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention and why?

It has to be either the aeroplane or the mobile phone.

Rate these technologies from highest to least impact on business.

  1. Security
  2. Blockchain
  3. Edge cloud
  4. Smart concepts (cities, buildings, …)
  5. 6G
  6. 5G
  7. IoT
  8. AI
  9. Smartphones
  10. Social Media
  11. 3D printing
  12. Human-like robots

Can technology do good for society, or would it be better off without it? Explain.

Technology is 100% good for society. What is not good is that we lack education in how to properly use the technology we have available. Bad usage of technology can become a disaster.

How do you keep your technology skills up to date?

I rely on communities, networks, self-study and research, newsletters and podcasts, for my tech information.

Which online tools facilitate your day-to-day job?

Well, I work remotely so my entire job is online. This makes the 'digital signature' my go-to and most valuable tool.

Your favourite websites?

I’ll name four: Google (you can find everything, especially stuff you do not know yet), Sap.com, TechCrunch and Digital Trends.

Your favourite and least favourite technology products?

I like Apple Pay. I also like digital identities (ID, transport, etc. That way, I always have more space for makeup in my bag ;))
I’m not a big fan of social media networks. Since their arrival, the time spent talking to and meeting new people has drastically decreased.

How are you balancing your priorities and those of the stakeholders?

Give priority to the objectives and targets, ensuring that everyone is well-informed about alternatives and utilize a discussion forum to foster communication and always acknowledge the counterpart.

The woman behind the technology

What makes each human unique?

Every person’s particular life experience and environment makes them unique. Obviously, personality is a big factor as well!

What is the relationship between the mind and the body?

They are interdependent. They need to be kept in harmony, and the right balance must be maintained.

This or that?

Read the instruction manual

Just figure it out

Early adopter

Proven enthusiast





Fail at something

Never attempt it

Listen to the mind

Listen to the body




Physical book

Flying cars

Personal robots




Phone call

Brainstorming session

Solo research

Packed lunch


Work late

Start early

High Heels
