24 min read

Karen de Sousa Pesse

Looking back on her journey, Karen de Sousa Pesse realises that sometimes the best opportunities come from unexpected places. She thoroughly believes that by staying open to new experiences and never losing sight of your values, you can achieve great success in a field you wouldn’t have imagined.

With an orientation towards philanthropy and service, Karen is the perfect symbol of strength and vitality for others. During her free time, she loves cuddling with her cat, who has been her constant companion for years!

Get to know Karen

Your career at a glance

I started my career as a research scientist in the field of nanotechnology. I was passionate about my work and focused on obtaining a PhD in the field. However, life had other plans for me. One day, an opportunity in IoT came my way, and I decided to take a leap of faith and transition to the IT industry. At first, it was a big change, but I quickly discovered that my background in science and research gave me a unique perspective and skill set that was highly valued in the IT industry as well. I worked hard, learned quickly and was soon promoted to a leadership role.

As time passed, I continued developing my skills and knowledge and eventually became a recognised professional. I remained humble and grateful for the opportunities that had come my way. I never forgot my roots in academia and the hard work that had brought me to where I was. I always made sure to give back by mentoring young professionals and sharing my knowledge and experience with others.

Describe yourself in 3 words

  • Communicative
  • Tenacious
  • Reliable

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in life?

On a scale of 1 to 5, where are you today in your career?

On a scale of 1 to 5, how happy are you today with your life?

Your favourite book?

“Invisible Women” by Caroline Criado Perez is a non-fiction book that explores how women are often overlooked, ignored, or discriminated against in various aspects of society, from healthcare and employment to transportation and public safety. The book draws on a wealth of research and data to make a compelling case that many of the systems and structures in our society are designed with men in mind, which has serious consequences for women’s health, safety, and well-being.

One reason why I consider “Invisible Women” to be a great book is that it sheds light on a topic that is often overlooked or ignored. By bringing attention to how women are marginalised in society, the book challenges readers to rethink their assumptions and biases and to consider how they can work towards a more equitable and inclusive world.

Another reason why I appreciate the book is its rigour and thoroughness. The author uses a wide range of data and examples to support her arguments, and she presents her findings clearly and compellingly. This makes the book informative and engaging, even for those who are not experts in the fields it covers.

Overall, “Invisible Women” is a thought-provoking and informative book that challenges readers to think more deeply about issues of gender and equality.

Your favourite quote?

The quote “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men to do nothing” is often attributed to Irish philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke. However, there is some debate about whether Burke actually said these exact words, as there is no known record of him using this phrase in his writings or speeches.

Nonetheless, the sentiment expressed in the quote is widely shared and has been paraphrased in many different ways throughout history and is, to date, my favourite quote.

What childhood passion have you lost in adulthood?

I’ve lost my passion for watching soccer as I’ve grown older. It’s a strange feeling because I was such a huge fan of the sport. I remember spending hours glued to the TV during big matches or going to the stadium with my friends to watch my favourite team, Fluminense, play live.

But now, as an adult, my interest in soccer has waned. It’s not that I dislike the sport, but I simply don’t feel as excited or invested in it as I used to. I hardly ever watch matches anymore, and even when I do, I lose interest or get distracted.

Which passion or pastime will you never let go of?

My cat is not just a pet. She has been a constant presence in my life for 14 years. In fact, today is her birthday! I can hardly believe it’s been that long since she first came into my life, a tiny ball of fluff and energy.

Over the years, my cat has become so much more than just a furry companion. She’s been there for me through thick and thin, offering unconditional love and support whenever needed. She’s seen me through breakups, moves and job changes, always by my side and ready to cuddle or play.

What I love most about my cat is her personality. She’s funny, sassy and full of energy, always eager to play and explore. She has unique quirks and habits, like how she loves to curl up in boxes or insists on sitting on my lap while I work. She’s a constant source of joy and entertainment, and I can’t imagine my life without her.

Sometimes, people don’t understand the deep bond that can form between a pet and its owner. But for me, my cat is like family. She’s been with me through so much, and I feel like I know her as well as any human. She’s not just a pet, she’s a loyal and loving companion who has enriched my life in countless ways. So today, on her birthday, I’ll celebrate my cat and all that she means to me. I’ll give her extra treats, lots of cuddles and maybe even a new toy. Because even though she’s just a cat, she’s so much more to me than that.

Your dream of a completely different second career?

I would pack my bags and move to Africa to help alleviate poverty. It’s a dream that has been burning inside me for years, and I can’t wait to make it a reality. There is so much need in Africa, and I know I have the skills and experience to make a difference. Whether it’s through volunteering with local organisations, teaching vital skills to young people, or working on economic development projects, I’m excited to contribute in any way I can.

Of course, I know that moving to Africa won’t be easy. There will be challenges and obstacles to overcome, and I’ll need to be prepared to work hard and adapt to a new culture and way of life. But I’m willing to take on those challenges because I know the reward will be worth it. I believe we all have a responsibility to use our skills and resources to make the world a better place.

Cut loose from all strings, what would you like to do with your life?

Creating a foundation to work on alleviating poverty worldwide has been a long-standing dream of mine. Seeing the incredible work that Bill and Melinda Gates have done through their foundation has been a major inspiration to me, and I’d be eager to follow in their footsteps and make a difference on a global scale.

I envision a foundation that focuses on a multi-faceted approach to poverty alleviation. This would include working on initiatives such as improving access to education, healthcare and clean water as well as supporting economic development and entrepreneurship in underserved communities.

One of the key priorities of my foundation would be to partner with local organisations and communities to ensure that our efforts are sustainable and effective. We would work closely with experts in the field to identify the most pressing needs and develop innovative solutions that can have a lasting impact.

Of course, creating a foundation of this scope and scale is no easy feat. It would require significant resources, strategic planning and a dedicated team of professionals to bring it to life. But of course, you said that money, time and current responsibilities are not an issue!

"I always made sure to give back by mentoring young professionals and sharing my knowledge and experience with others."

Karen’s career

Your work motivations?

What drives me to do my best at work is the belief that technology has the potential to make a positive impact on society. I'm passionate about using my skills and knowledge to create innovative solutions that address societal challenges and improve people's lives. I'm inspired by the communities and individuals that I work to serve. I believe that everyone deserves equal access to economic opportunities, education and healthcare.

I'm motivated to use technology to create more equitable and just systems that support the most vulnerable members of society. While the tech industry certainly has its challenges, I'm excited to be part of a community that's committed to using technology for good.

I'm driven by the potential to make a meaningful impact on society and create positive change that will last for generations. In the end, what motivates me is the belief that we can build a better world through the power of technology. By working together and focusing on creating solutions that serve the greater good, we can make a real difference in the lives of people all around the world.

The biggest obstacles to career growth in our industry?

As a foreigner, I've faced my fair share of challenges in my career, perhaps even more than I have as a woman. The language barrier, cultural differences, and unfamiliarity with certain systems and processes have all been obstacles I've had to navigate to succeed.

Despite these challenges, I've remained determined to achieve my goals and prove myself in my chosen field. I've worked hard to develop my language skills, learn about the local culture and build relationships with colleagues and peers. But there have been times when my status as a foreigner has held me back. I've encountered situations where my input or ideas were dismissed simply because people would not believe that I could understand the context of another country.

Your biggest obstacles facing the technology industry?

I once worked at a well-known IT company where the work environment was extremely toxic. There was constant pressure to meet unrealistic deadlines, and communication between colleagues was often hostile and cutthroat. The management style was authoritarian, and feedback was rare, leaving employees feeling unsupported and undervalued.

A few times, I would see other women crying in the toilets. I made the difficult decision to leave the company, even though it meant sacrificing the prestige and potential career advancement of working for such a well-known organisation.

Looking back, I'm glad that I prioritised my well-being and sought a healthier work environment. I've since found new opportunities where the work culture is more collaborative, supportive and empowering, and my contributions are valued and recognised. My experience has taught me the importance of setting healthy boundaries and not compromising my well-being for career success.

“I believe we all have a responsibility to use our skills and resources to make the world a better place.”

What have you gotten noticed for throughout your career?

Throughout my career, I've gotten noticed for being comfortable as a public speaker. Whether presenting to a small group of colleagues or delivering a keynote address to a large audience, I've always felt comfortable and confident speaking in front of others. This skill has served me well, allowing me to effectively communicate complex ideas and win over sceptical audiences.

I've used my public speaking skills to successfully pitch new ideas, motivate teams and inspire others to action. While some may say I have a natural talent for public speaking, I also recognise that it's a skill that can be honed and developed over time. I've worked hard to improve my presentation skills, practise my delivery and seek out feedback and constructive criticism from others.

The major accelerators for success in our field?

A good manager is crucial for career growth in IT as they can provide guidance, support and feedback. A good manager can help identify strengths and weaknesses, offer development opportunities, and provide exposure to new challenges. Without a good manager, it can be difficult to navigate the complex and rapidly evolving landscape of IT and achieve long-term career goals.

What question do you get asked most often in your line of work?

If I am the assistant/ secretary...

What do you enjoy most about your job?

As a private sector employee, I often thought that my work was solely focused on profit and growth. However, having specialised in the public sector industry, I have realised that I can contribute to society meaningfully. The technology solutions that I develop for my public sector clients have the potential to improve the lives of citizens and make government operations more efficient and effective.

It's a great feeling to know that my work is not only benefiting my employer but also contributing to society as a whole. The public sector has unique challenges and requirements, and I am proud to be able to use my skills and knowledge to support their important work. Overall, this experience has been both professionally rewarding and personally fulfilling, to the point that I would see myself becoming a civil servant in the future.

Your role models and mentors?

I've had multiple mentors throughout my IT career which has been instrumental to my growth and development. Each of my mentors has provided a different perspective and unique insights based on their experience and expertise in different domains. One mentor had strong technical skills and could guide me on the latest trends and tools. Another had excellent leadership and communication skills that helped me navigate complex work environments.

Having a diverse set of mentors has allowed me to build a well-rounded skill set and become a more effective IT professional. I highly recommend that everyone seeks out multiple mentors in their careers, as each person can bring something valuable to the table. Additionally, mentors can provide invaluable connections and networking opportunities, and they can even introduce you to new areas of the field that you may not have considered before.

Although I never met her, Ilham Kadri is a role model to me because she has shattered glass ceilings as one of the few women with a migration background in top leadership positions, currently the CEO of Solvay. Seeing her in such a position motivates me to continue working hard and strive for excellence in my own career.

Your golden piece of advice to young women starting out in technology

As a woman in STEM, I highly recommend that young women seeking to succeed in the field have several mentors and network as much as possible. Having multiple mentors provides diverse perspectives and insights, while networking can open up new opportunities and connections.

Building a support system of mentors and peers can also help young women navigate obstacles and provide encouragement and guidance. It's essential to seek out strong female role models and connect with like-minded individuals who can offer support and advice.

What is your leadership style?

My leadership style focuses on empowering my team and staying in the background. I believe that by providing the necessary resources, guidance and support to my team, they can thrive and achieve their goals.

I prefer to take a step back and let my team take ownership of their work, allowing them to showcase their skills and creativity. By doing so, I can build a stronger team dynamic and foster an environment of collaboration and innovation. This approach also helps build trust and respect within the team, as they feel valued and empowered in their roles. Ultimately, my goal as a leader is to create an environment that fosters growth, creativity and success for everyone on the team.

Which supporting skills have helped you most as a leader?

I have always been a good observer, which was key to my leadership path. In the past, I had a fantastic manager who was all about empowering his team. He created an environment where everyone felt valued and heard, and he provided us with the resources and support we needed to succeed. I appreciated being part of that team so much that I've adopted his leadership style and philosophy.

I believe empowering your team can foster a culture of collaboration, innovation and success. I strive to create the same kind of environment for my team by providing the necessary resources, guidance and support to succeed in their roles. By doing so, I hope to inspire my team to do their best work and achieve their goals, just like my former manager did for me.

How have you gained commitment from your team?

As a leader, I prioritise understanding what my team needs to gain commitment. I believe that when my team is fully committed and engaged, we can accomplish great things together.

Luckily, I work in a very healthy environment that values open communication and collaboration. This makes it easier for me to understand my team's needs and preferences. By being attentive and responsive to my team's needs, I can ensure they feel heard, supported and empowered to do their best work. I believe that this approach not only benefits the team but also the organisation as a whole.

Can you detail an error you made while managing a customer and how you would handle it now?

As a project manager, I believed in loyalty to my service integrator despite their underperformance. However, this loyalty ultimately backfired as the project began to fall apart. I learned the hard way that tough love was necessary to ensure the project's success. From then on, I prioritised holding my service providers accountable and maintaining a healthy balance of loyalty and toughness to ensure project success.

How do you keep in mind the customer experience in your daily work?

I understand that the success of my work is not only measured by how well it meets the technical requirements but also by how well it meets the needs of the end-user. By taking the time to understand the customer's perspective and prioritising their needs in my work, I can create solutions that are not only functional but also intuitive and user-friendly. This results in a better overall customer experience.

"As a woman in STEM, I highly recommend that young women seeking to succeed in the field have several mentors and network as much as possible."

Let’s get technical

Would you consider yourself an influencer in the field of technology?

There are different levels of influence, and I can certainly not compare myself to Steve Jobs, but I have always believed that even the smallest influence can make a difference. While my impact in the technology sector may be considered small by some (some 50 thousand followers on social media and a few international keynotes), I take pride in the fact that I am constantly striving to make a positive difference in whatever way I can. It may not be on a grand scale, but if my efforts can help even a few people, then I consider that a success.

What does social media mean to you?

As a woman in a male-dominated industry, social media has become an important platform for me to share my ideas and perspectives. It's especially important to me because women are often overlooked as visionary leaders, and I want to be a part of changing that. By sharing my experiences and knowledge, I hope to inspire other women to pursue careers in STEM and make their voices heard. Social media also allows me to connect with like-minded individuals and build a supportive community that can help us all succeed.

What would your life be like without social media?

People treat me differently when they discover that I have a profile with 50 thousand followers and 2 million readers. I still consider it a small audience, but it's interesting to see how some people who were not so nice to me suddenly take interest. It's hard to imagine what my life would be like without social media, as it has been a platform for me to share my ideas, especially when women are not seen as visionary or leaders and this is something I try to change.

Explain the technology that drives your current business.

The technology I work with can be deployed incredibly fast and in an efficient way. This makes it ideal, for example, for emergencies such as the Covid crisis or suddenly receiving a large influx of refugees.

In fact, we can come up with and build solutions in as little as five days in cases of emergency. This can be incredibly beneficial when time is of the essence, and people's lives are at stake. Additionally, our technology is designed to be adaptable and scalable so we can quickly adjust to changing circumstances and help more people in need.

What is technology for you?

For me, technology is not just about creating cool gadgets or software but about enabling people to achieve more than they could without it. Whether it's through automating tasks, connecting people across distances or providing access to information and resources, technology can be a powerful tool for empowerment. It's exciting to see how technology is constantly evolving and finding new ways to impact society positively.

What are your views on future technology trends?

As someone who works in the technology field, I strongly believe that we are responsible for using our skills and expertise to help make the world a better place. One of the most pressing issues we face as a society is the urgent need to achieve net zero carbon emissions and promote sustainability. I think technology has a huge role to play in helping us achieve this goal, whether it's through developing new clean energy sources, improving efficiency in transportation, or creating innovative solutions to reduce waste and promote recycling.

Another area where technology can make a significant impact is in reducing the number of conflicts and wars around the world. By using technology to promote communication, diplomacy and understanding between nations and cultures, we can help prevent misunderstandings and miscommunications that often lead to violence and conflict. This includes everything from developing translation tools that can help people communicate across language barriers to creating social media platforms that promote positive dialogue and exchange of ideas.

Finally, I believe that technology can also help improve the overall quality of life for people around the world by increasing life expectancy and promoting health and wellness. This includes everything from using data analytics and machine learning to develop new treatments and cures for diseases to creating wearable technology that helps people monitor their health and stay active. By focusing on these three areas - sustainability, peace and health - we can create a better future for all of us. I'm proud to be part of a community working to make that vision a reality.

In your opinion, what is the greatest technological invention and why?

The internet is widely considered one of the greatest technological inventions in history. It has transformed the way we communicate, work and access information. In particular, the internet has been a game-changer for women, giving them a platform to share their ideas and connect with others in previously impossible ways.

The internet has given women a powerful voice, allowing them to speak out about issues that affect them and to connect with other women across the globe. It has provided a platform for women to share their experiences, find support and encouragement, and advocate for change.

Additionally, the internet has enabled women to access education and job opportunities that may have been out of reach otherwise. Furthermore, it has played a crucial role in breaking down barriers and creating more inclusive communities. It has allowed people from different backgrounds and cultures to connect and share their experiences, fostering understanding and empathy. As such, the internet has been instrumental in promoting diversity and empowering women to lead and succeed in a rapidly changing world.

Rate these technologies from highest to least impact on business.

  1. Security
  2. AI
  3. Chat GPT
  4. 5G
  5. Smart Phones
  6. Social Media
  7. 3D Printing
  8. Blockchain
  9. IoT
  10. Edge Cloud
  11. Smart Concepts (cities, buildings, ...)
  12. 6G

Can technology do good for society, or would it be better off without it? Explain.

Technology is often described as neutral, as it doesn't inherently have a good or bad impact. Like a knife, it can be used for good purposes, like cooking, or bad purposes, like harming someone. Overall, technology has improved people's lives significantly in many areas, from communication to healthcare to transportation. However, it also has the potential for negative consequences, such as the spread of disinformation, invasion of privacy and job displacement.

To ensure that technology benefits society as a whole, we need to regulate it properly, just like how we regulate the use of knives or other potentially harmful tools. This means setting ethical and legal boundaries that prevent harm to individuals and society while still allowing for innovation and progress.

How do you keep your technology skills up to date?

Mostly attending conferences, following courses, reading scientific articles and talking to people about their experiences experimenting with new technologies.

Your favourite websites?

LinkedIn is a great platform for professionals to share their ideas and connect with others in their industry. For me, personally, it's been a valuable tool for networking and promoting my work. It allows me to reach a wider audience and engage in meaningful conversations with like-minded individuals. Whether it's sharing an article or posting a thought-provoking question, I appreciate the opportunity to contribute to the larger conversation on LinkedIn. It's a great way to build your personal brand and establish yourself as a thought leader in your field.

I find ChatGPT to be a fascinating and impressive technology that can provide a lot of value. However, I also think it's important to use it responsibly and be aware of the limitations of AI language models. Sometimes, the responses can be confusing or even misleading. It's important to use critical thinking and verify information before relying on it completely.

Your favourite and least favourite technology products?

I absolutely love drones and cameras! I think they are amazing pieces of technology with many practical and creative applications. With drones, I can capture stunning aerial footage and explore the world from a whole new perspective. And with cameras, I can document the beauty and complexity of everyday life, whether it's a landscape, a person or an event. I enjoy experimenting with different lenses, settings and angles to get the perfect shot, and I love how photography and videography can tell a story and evoke emotions.

As someone interested in technology, I am fascinated with AI and its potential for improving our lives. However, I also have a love-hate relationship with it because of the biases that can be present in the technology. For example, I have seen how AI can be biased against women, such as in cases where credit loans are offered, or tools were made with biased data sets that led to women not being hired by companies that automated their HR. It's important to recognise these biases and work to eliminate them so that AI can be used fairly and equitably for all people.

“As a woman in a male-dominated industry, social media has become an important platform for me to share my ideas and perspectives. It's especially important to me because women are often overlooked as visionary leaders, and I want to be a part of changing that.”

The woman behind the technology

What makes each human unique?

DNA and fingerprints!

Does success compensate for value or morality?

Success coming at the cost of moral or ethical compromises is not worth it for me.

What is the relationship between the mind and the body?

I would have to read a few scientific articles about that to give an informed opinion.

This or that?

Read the instruction manual

Just figure it out

Early adopter

Proven enthusiast





Fail at something

Never attempt it

Listen to the mind

Listen to the body




Physical book

Flying cars

Personal robots




Phone call

Brainstorming session

Solo research

Packed lunch


Work late

Start early

High Heels
